Herniated Disc

Herniated disc, the non-surgical solution  

Today it seems that there is a true epidemic of herniated disc, who does not have a friend, a member of their family, a colleague who does not have one? 

Who does not know someone who had a back operation?  

In certain very specific cases, the operation is the only solution, but not in the proportions that one might think. 

Many experts in this field affirm that contrary to the multiplicity of interventions of this kind, only a very small percentage currently require a surgical operation. Chiropractic is at the top of herniated disc prevention treatments and also as conservative treatment.  

Numerous sources of scientific statistics reveal that most cases of herniated discs can be effectively treated through Chiropractic.  

Another aspect to consider is what medicine calls: "The syndrome of ineffective back surgery." Medical history reveals that: 

"There are between 25,000 - 50,000 spinal surgery failures each year." (Heithoff et al, orthopedic clinics of North America; 417-44; July 1983). 

"The reoperation rate is 6.9% after the first intervention, 10.2% at four years, and the rehospitalization rate is 22.4%." (Dayo et Al, Spine: 1463-70 September 1993)  

In reference to The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, "200,000 laminactomies are performed each year and 20% -30% of these are unsatisfactory."  

The decision to undergo surgery should be made after considering different types of treatments, evaluating the benefits and contraindications associated with the procedure. 

The patient should be informed that after spinal surgery the symptoms may reappear and that permanent damage is possible.  

In our home consultation every week we attend to patients who could have avoided an operation through Chiropractic treatment and who are not the same as before the operation. Although these cases are more difficult to treat than if they had not been operated, we are able to help most of them. 

 Chiropractic offers the best prevention and conservation of herniated discs due to the natural and medication-free treatment on which it is based.  

Don't wait for a herniated disc; anticipate it. More than 50% do not have any symptoms for years, until catastrophic consequences are triggered. 

Call us, we will be happy to avoid your future problems.